This is again using the Imagine to cut shrink plastic and make litle Shrinkies. The pics don't look in good focus but at least you can see how small they became. They were cut at 3 inches for the square shapes and at 1.5 for the strawberries. If you click the pics to make them enlarge you will see them a bit clearer. The video is how I did them but I am not up to much editing so I couldn't take the sound out. The Imagine has the deep cut blade set at 5 I will try it at 6 and also see if changing the multicut to 4 makes a difference. The shrink plastic I used was Grafix and although it is supposed to be clear it is actually frosted not clear at all. The Celcast one I used was clear but they have been taken over by another company who no longer produces the clear shrink film.