Thursday, December 15, 2011

WOW fridge magnets

My daughter asked me if I could make a fridge magnet. Well I had some magnetic paper that goes through the computer so I thought ok I will give it a go. Well I printed the magnetic paper on my Cricut Imagine and added a small piece to the side as it has a 12x12 mat and I was only doing A4 size but that worked out well and I now have a piece of paper that is double sided. Then I put the magnetic paper through the ordinary HP printer and had a document in word with the pictures and words on. Now I had it all printed and was wondering what to do to make it look a bit more than a square cutout. Well out jumped a puch from SU and I used the 2 3/8 inch scallop punch for Eeyore then I got out the big shot and the dies from SU and used the round scallop duo the scallop square and the top note die. the square scallop with the round scallop photo frame is where I cut Eeyore out and then put it through the square scallop again. Although Tigger looks oval the piece wasn't big enough for the round scallop so I put it through twice lining up the scallops and it looks oval. These are sooo cute I love them and it took me about an hour to do the lot and I know Tyler my DGD will love playing with the fridge magnets of pooh and friends. I hope my DD likes her fridge magnet that she wants for one of her colleagues. Just as well it is a secret santa friend.
Hope you enjoy these.

glitter -

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  2. Adorable magnets! Love 'em!

  3. Thats a good article! Your gild is so lovely! I like her very much!
